Yucheng Zhang’s HomePage

Hi, welcome to my homepage.
I am a forth year undergraduate student at Zhejiang University - University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Institute. During my university experience, I spent one year in CVNext Lab of Zhejiang University under the guidance of Prof Gaoang Wang, and spent one another year in UIUC supervised by Prof Yuxiong Wang.
You can find my CV here

Research Interest

My research interest lies in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I am currently interested in 3D resconstruction of human and objects from videos, as well as their interactions.


MovieChat: From Dense Token to Sparse Memory for Long Video Understanding
Enxin Song, Wenhao Chai, Guanhong Wang, Yucheng Zhang, Haoyang Zhou, Feiyang Wu, Haozhe Chi, Xun Guo, Tian Ye, Yanting Zhang, Yan Lu, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang
CVPR, 2024
[PDF] [Code]
InterAct: Advancing Large-Scale Versatile 3D Human-Object Interaction Generation
Sirui Xu, Dongting Li, Yucheng Zhang, Xiyan Xu, Qi Long, Ziyin Wang, Yunzhi Lu, Shuchang Dong, Hezi Jiang, Akshat Gupta, Yu-Xiong Wang, Liangyan Gui
Under review of CVPR